
Parisdelices 百珍巴黎简介 百珍巴黎西餐馆Parisdélices French Bistro 北京市朝阳区南三里屯1号,通盈中心二层2F-8 Sanlitun Nan 1#, Top Win Center 2F-8 品牌理念 Parisdelices French Bistro百珍巴黎西餐馆 基于传统法餐的基础汲取欧洲多地的烹饪手法,结合当今人们对餐品的美感,口味,色彩搭配以及健康的需求,融入多种创新食材进行改良,经过多次尝试,呈现出百珍巴黎的精选餐品及精致下午茶餐单,让食客在Parisdelices百珍巴黎即可品尝欧洲精品西餐。 店铺风格 以黑,白,金为主色调的简约工业风格为主,利用欧洲古典版画线条的艺术元素勾勒出带有冲击感的装饰画,并配以欧洲古董彩色版画进行装饰点缀,让您感觉亲临蒙马特高地品味美食及美酒。 菜品呈现 米其林三星主厨Alan LERMO及中南海国宴西餐顾问单春卫参与指导菜品改良,马克西姆前主厨挑选最新鲜,最天然的食材采用烤,烩,煎等能够保留食材本来口味的烹饪方式,再配以纯天然原料制作的缤纷秘制酱汁,为您带来全新的美食体验。 精致下午茶 专业甜品师在传统法式甜品的配方基础上,降低甜品的糖分及热量,再配以精心调制的饮品,让您尽情享受下午茶的美好时光 slogan 美食与心灵相通 you are what you eat! Nul n’est heureux que le gourmand During the trial operation of Parisdélices, you can get a free dessert and a cocktail. After the direction of the 3 star Michelin Chef, Alan LERMO,and consulted by Sea Palace State banquet adviser, the pre-chef of Maxim’s serves you genuine french cuisine in Parisdelices, Sunlitun. This is a young restaurant just open in Nan Sanlitun, behind Sanlitun Soho. We serve genuine french cuisine, all dishes cooked with natural food material, you can enjoy typical mushroom soup, pork pâté, escargots, steak, quiche,and gratin. Since we have years of business on wine in France, there are imported high-quality wine and sparklings. And we serve traditional french dessert like apple tart, lemon tart, mille-feuille puff.   Si vous avez la chance d\'avoir vécu à Paris comme un jeune homme,alors partout où vous allez dans le reste de votre vie,il reste avec vous,car Paris est une fête. There is never any ending to Paris and the memory of each person who has lived in it differs from that of any other. We always returned to it no matter who we were or how it was changed or with what difficulties, or ease, it could be reached. Paris was always worth it and you received return for whatever you brought to it. But this is how Paris was in the early days when we were very poor and very happy. ——海明威 Ernest Hemingway